DemosNews: The World
Zimbabwe After Mugabe
by nat
The sight I remember as most haunting was the roads leading out of Harare, into the farmlands that rank among Africa’s most fertile and which until just a few years earlier had produced enough food to feed the country. They were abandoned, casualties of the government’s notorious campaign to forcibly seize white-owned farms. Field after field now lay overgrown, covered with wild shrubs and punctuated only occasionally by the rotting frame of a gutted greenhouse. The only sign of life was desperate people standing along the roadside trying to sell worms to wealthy fishermen driving out of Harare.
General Suharto of Indonesia. One Small Man Leaves a Million Corpses.
by ANairn
General Suharto of Indonesia is fading fast, the news bulletins say. So when I came into the country, I started asking how people felt about their dying killer. (Body count, circa one million plus, overwhelmingly civilian)…. “Suharto?” she said. “He ate too much money. He’s full. He ate so such that others can’t eat.”
Duduk-Duduk, Ngobrol-Ngobrol. Sitting Around Talking, in Indonesia
by ANairn
Sitting around in a house in Indonesia over seaweed gelatin, the talk is of police, the local mob boss, a framed son, tiny worms, buying used clothes from rich lands, but, most fundamentally, jobs and whether, in America, you have to pay a bribe to get one.
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A False Choice: The Middle Ground of Partial Withdrawal (by Scooter | 1490 hits)
Vietnam and Iraq - How Apt an Analogy? (by James Eberhart | 1576 hits)
Maine Waters Witness Global Warming (by Anita Spertus | 2022 hits)
Domaine St. Diego (by Raphael | 1832 hits)
Alpaca fetus (by Guille de Soho | 2237 hits)

Arranged from Highest Rating to Lowest[Click on the colored headings to rearrange]

India’s Backoffice
ldklein Document Critical 1334 5 16-Apr-08
Vietnam and Iraq - How Apt an Analogy?
James Eberhart Document Critical 1576 5 12-Jun-07
Duduk-Duduk, Ngobrol-Ngobrol. Sitting Around Talking, in Indonesia
ANairn Document Critical 1656 5 8-Nov-07
Rising in Malaysia. Handle with Care. The Dangers of Feeding Poor People.
ANairn Document Critical 1451 4.86 30-Nov-07
State of Emergency in Pakistan, But Not in the United States
ANairn Document Critical 1492 4.83 9-Nov-07
Vomiting to Death on a Plane. Arsenic Democracy.
ANairn Document Critical 1506 4.83 13-Nov-07
A False Choice: The Middle Ground of Partial Withdrawal
Scooter Document Critical 1490 4.8 24-Jul-07
General Suharto of Indonesia. One Small Man Leaves a Million Corpses.
ANairn Document Critical 1558 4.5 15-Jan-08
Zimbabwe After Mugabe
nat Document Critical 1571 4.5 3-Apr-08
Maine Waters Witness Global Warming
Anita Spertus Document Critical 2022 4.38 3-Mar-07
Cataclysm by Money Whim. The Islamist Industry. The World Ends Every Few Seconds.
ANairn Document Critical 1565 4.33 27-Dec-07
wonderful programs at the flick of a finger
sakurachan List Creative 1365 4.2 2-Jun-07
Little Hands With Fever. Some Consequences of Poverty Death.
ANairn Document Critical 1404 4 28-Jan-08
Kenyan Students on African Outsourcing
L.C. Video Critical 1471 4 5-Nov-07
Communist Statuary at its Finest
nat Picture Critical 1517 3.67 30-Oct-07
A Land Alone
John Cavil Picture Creative 1469 3.6 4-Oct-07
funny thing happened to me on the way to the mosque
newell Document Critical 1335 2.5 22-Jun-07
Domaine St. Diego
Raphael Picture Critical 1832 1.75 20-Feb-07